Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, 5.0 credits
Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, 5.0 hp
Course level
Third-cycle EducationDescription
Health economic evaluations are increasingly used to understand health outcomes and costs associated with treatments in order to assist priority settings within health care. This requires that many more persons than today can perform and interpret these evaluations. This course will focus on the most commonly used health economic evaluation methods and give the participants skills to critically assess these evaluations.
Pass or Fail. Course evaluation Planning and implementation of the course shall be carried out on the basis of the wording in this course plan. The evaluation of the course should therefore consider the question how well the course agrees with the course plan. Written evaluation will be arranged at a scheduled time at the end of the course.
Next course will be held Autumn 2025.
Lars Bernfort
Entry requirements
General requirements
Admitted to education at research level (PhD-studies).
PhD students are admitted according to the following priority order:
- PhD students registered at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences or PhD students strongly connected to the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences registered at other faculties within Linköping University
- PhD students registered at other faculties within Linköping University
- PhD students registered at other universities
- Others able to take part in the course
Participation in the course of other students than above is only possible if there are fewer applicants from the above groups than students to be admitted.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course the participants will be able to:
- Understand health economic evaluation methods and interpret the results
- Combine clinical research findings with other data sources into measures of cost-effectiveness
- Interpret disease progression and economic simulation models
- Critically review and assess published health economic evaluations
- Basic theory about health economic evaluation
- Identifying, quantifying and valuing costs
- Measuring relevant outcomes – from clinical outcomes to health
- Different evaluation methods
- Synthesis of clinical research findings and other data
- From data sets to cost-effectiveness results
- Characterising and handling uncertainty
- Simulation models
- Critical assessment of health economic evaluations
- The use of health economic evaluations in priority setting
Educational methods
Educational methods consist of lectures, seminars and practical exercises.
- Active participation in lectures, seminars and practicals
- Written exam, answered at home
Students who have failed the course or part of the course twice are entitled to request another examiner for the following examination occasion.
One-grade scaleCourse literature
Drummond MF, et al. Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes, 4th edition. Oxford University Press. 2015 Additional selected papers; a list will be provided before the start of the course. The course organizer will provide a list of relevant literature before the start of the course.
General information
Pass or Fail. Course evaluation Planning and implementation of the course shall be carried out on the basis of the wording in this course plan. The evaluation of the course should therefore consider the question how well the course agrees with the course plan. Written evaluation will be arranged at a scheduled time at the end of the course.
If the course is withdrawn, or is subject to major changes, examinations according to this course plan are normally offered on a total of at least three occasions within one year, one of them in close connection with the first examination.
The course is normally given in English.