Disability Research, 7.5 credits

Funktionsnedsättning och samhälle, 7.5 hp


Course level

Third-cycle Education




Entry requirements

Registration as doctoral or master


Learning outcomes

After completion of the course the students will be able to:

  • Explain how changes in body systems can lead to impairments.
  • Analyze how mechanisms interact across biological, psychological, and social levels in relation to impairments and disability.
  • Analyze how individual factors affect the manifestation and experience of disability.
  • Analyze how impairments can be compensated by internal and external factors.
  • Critically evaluate scientific articles within the research area.


The content of the course relies on a bio-psycho-social perspective of impairments and disability. The course deals with impairments and how these can lead to disability in a certain environment. Mechanisms that can explain phenomenon that arises at different levels as well as how mechanisms interact across the levels are investigated. Focus is given to individual factors that can increase our understanding of how people with the same type of impairment can experience different participation restrictions at large (society) and at the individual level (activities). How psychological mechanism decrease or enhance negative effects of impairment is also included in the course. Further, the course includes how impairment can be compensated for through internal factors (e.g. good cognitive ability, personality factors or experiences) and e.g. aids or interventions). Current research topic are covered.

Educational methods

Lectures, group work, seminars, and individual studies.2209078


The students are examined by written group assignments, an individual, written assignment as well as active participation at seminars.


Two-grade scale

Course literature

Course readings are presented at the course introduction.