Web-based Gender-awareness Course for Teaching Assistants at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, 1.0 credits

Webbaserad Genuskurs för kursassistenter, 1.0 hp


Course level

Third-cycle Education


Registration is done via the link https://forms.office.com/e/3eW5ai68Mp and it opens 2024-07-01. The Last day of registration is 2024-08-31.

The course evaluation is filled in via the link https://forms.office.com/e/PbVTwssEbT when the course is finished*.*


Entry requirements

Entry requirement for studies on third-cycle education courses

  • second-cycle degree

The course is for PhD students, who is actively involved in teaching.

Specific information

The course focuses on gender and gender equality, addressing how we perceive each other as individuals. Its objective is to raise awareness that male and female students should be treated equally by teachers and other students. Furthermore, education should be designed in a manner that does not disfavor students based on their sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, or age.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to implement gender-aware teaching practices and enhance their understanding and approach to ethical issues, gender, and equal opportunities. They will be equipped with an awareness of teaching methods that are based on the perception that gender is significant in learning, knowledge and teaching.


The course has a maximum capacity of 10 students.

The course consists of 8 modules:

Module 1: Facts and figures

Module 2: The teaching assistant

Module 3: Gender in practice

Module 4: Behaviour to be counteracted

Module 5: Examples from courses

Module 6: Teaching assistant experiences

Module 7: Reflection

Module 8: Plan for the gender-awareness course.

Each module includes several chapters, accessible through links provided at the beginning of each chapter.

Educational methods

The course will be given in English and will consist of:

  1. 1 lecture (90 min),
  2. web-based self-study sessions,
  3. 2 seminars (1-2 hours, depending on the number of participants).

Session 1

  • Introduction lecture
  • In preparation for Session 2: Carry out the web-based course and consider its contents in the light of your own role as mentor or laboratory assistant.

Session 2:

  • Seminar with discussion about the contents of the web-based course.
  • In preparation for Session 3: Submit your written reflections on the course, based on material handed out in class or distributed by email.

Session 3:

  • Seminar with discussion about the course participants’ own reflections on the course.


Requirements to achieve a passing grade in the course

  1. Active participation in discussions,
  2. Participation in all course components, and
  3. Submission of satisfactory written reflections.

Students who fail in any of the aforementioned moments, will need to attend the cource during the next opportunity.


Two-grade scale

Course literature

The course informations can be found at Gender-awareness course for teaching assistants (sharepoint.com)

General information

The course is compulsory for PhD students who is involved in teaching. The course is planned and carried out according to what is stated in this syllabus.