Biogas Solutions, 6.0 credits
Biogaslösningar, 6.0 hp
Course level
Third-cycle EducationDescription
The purpose of this course is to offer broad knowledge on the development of biogas solutions. The course covers diverse perspectives, from process technology and biochemical processes to biogas solutions viewed from a system perspective, societal effects and prerequisites for implementation.
The course will be held during the autumn, from September to December 2025.
Pleade register to the course via e-mail to
Madeleine Larsson
Entry requirements
Registration as PhD student. PhD students at IEI are prioritized.
Specific information
This is a translation of the decided syllabus in Swedish. In case of any differences the Swedish version stands.
Learning outcomes
This course aims to broaden the understanding of biogas solutions by including process technology as well as systems perspective, societal effects and requisites for implementation.
Upon successful completion of the course, the participants are expected to be able to:
- Describe the biochemical processes of anaerobic digestion
- Describe and analyze existing and future biogas and digestate production concepts
- Explain and analyze the implications of choice of feedstock
- Describe uses and business development of biogas and digestate
- Critically analyze well-to-wheel assessments and other system studies of biogas solutions
- Discuss the role biogas solutions can play within a sustainable bioeconomy
- Reflect upon the role of public and private actors in the development of biogas solutions
- Reflect upon the role of national and EU policy as development factors for biogas solutions
- Apply gained knowledge in a transdisciplinary project on regional biogas strategies
Topics will include:
- Basic facts on biogas solutions
- Biogas solutions – effects and implementations
- The role of public and private actors, policy and markets for biogas solutions
- Production of biogas and digestate – process, concepts and feedstock
- Biogas solutions from a systems perspective
- Biogas solutions and its present and future role in society
Educational methods
The course includes lectures, seminars, workshops, and project work.
Evaluation will be based on learners’ active participation and performance in seminars and workshops (3 hp) and on the quality of their project report (3 hp).
Two-grade scaleCourse literature
Details of required/recommended reading will be presented at the start of the course.
General information
The course considers equal conditions and aims to utilize the resources that students with diverse backgrounds, life situations, and competencies bring to the education.
The reading list and schedule are determined elsewhere.
Course evaluations will be conducted by the course responsible after each course round. The results of the course evaluation will be communicated to the participants for this course round and future course rounds, as well as to the Research Education Council at IEI.